100% original Rose Quartz certified bracelets for women and men suitable for all ages. We will send an authentic natural pink bracelet with a government-registered lab certificate.
Size of Rose Quartz Crystal Stone Bracelet - This is a stretchable free-size 8 MM beads bracelet for men and women. Remove one or two beads and make it your size if you find it bigger.
Natural Rose Quartz Bracelet -
Rose Quartz Bracelet is made from natural and original rose quartz crystals known for its loving energy. This bracelet is believed to help improve love and trust in relationships and can help solve issues related to love and relationships. Rose Quartz Crystal Bracelet is light pink to dark pink in color. This bracelet is quite strong as it is Stretchable and multithreaded. People use this love bracelet to bring more love and joy, fix relationship problems, and strengthen bonds with family, friends, and loved ones. It is highly recommended to wear this pink bracelet if you face issues like marriage delay, a shortage of love and romance, or difficulties in your relationships.
How to wear Rose Quartz Bracelet -
When you get your Rose Quartz bracelet you need to follow these steps before using it -
Step (i) Cleanse your Bracelet - When you receive the bracelet, it is highly crucial to cleanse the bracelet as it might have been handled by various people before you so cleanse it with normal water.
Step (ii) Recharge the Bracelet - Recharge using any of the given methods in the section “How to cleanse and recharge the Rose Quartz bracelet”.
Step (iii) Manifest your desire - Now take the bracelet in your hand, shut your eyes, and manifest what you want from the benefits of the Rose Quartz bracelet. Now wear the bracelet while keeping these positive intentions in you and believe it will work for you.
How to Cleanse and Recharge the Rose Quartz Bracelet -
- Use Selenite Plate - Put your Rose Quartz Bracelet on a Selenite plate for 4 - 6 hours to recharge it.
- Use Moonlight - Leave your Rose Quartz Bracelet under the moonlight all night to power it up again.
Use Sunlight - Place your Rose Quartz Bracelet in the sunlight for 40 - 60 minutes to clean and recharge it
Rose Quartz Bracelet Safety Tips -
It is just as important to look after your Rose Quartz Bracelet to maintain its safety and longevity. Once the crystal in the bracelet breaks, you can't use it anymore. Here are some easy steps to make sure your bracelet stays safe –
- Keep it clean by wiping it regularly.
- Avoid hitting it against hard surfaces.
- Take it off before doing activities that might damage it.
- Store it at a safe place when you're not wearing it.
- Treat it gently to prevent it from breaking.
Who can wear Rose Quartz Bracelet –
Anyone of any age, gender, zodiac sign, rashi, or nakshatra can wear this bracelet to attract love and compassion in their relationship. The Rose Quartz bracelet is great for making relationships better by bringing love, trust, positivity, and caring. It helps fix heart issues, makes bonds stronger, solves relationship troubles, boosts self-love and confidence, and gets rid of bad thoughts.
Rose Quartz Bracelet FAQ
(i) When to wear the Rose Quartz bracelet?
Ans: There is no specific time recommended to wear the Rose Quartz bracelet but once you get it you should clean it first with normal water and prefer to wear it in the morning during sunrise.
(ii) How much time does the Rose Quartz bracelet take to show its effects?
Ans: The time that the Rose Quartz bracelet takes to show its effects actually varies from person to person and situation to situation. Its benefits also depend on the intentions of the user like if a person, who wears the bracelet, keeps positive intentions and has faith in the bracelet then it starts showing its effect early. In another case, if the user has wrong intentions and does not believe in the effectiveness of the bracelet then it can take more time to show its effects. Normally, it takes 21- 48 days to show its positive impacts on the life of the user.
(iii) What to do when your Rose Quartz bracelet gets broken?
Ans: If the thread of your Rose Quartz bracelet got broken then you can replace it with the new one but if the crystal of the bracelet got broken, it is believed you should either bury the crystals under the soil or throw them into moving water because broken crystal cannot be used so you should replace it as soon as possible.
(iv) Can we repair the Rose Quartz bracelet once it is broken?
Ans: If the thread of your Rose Quartz bracelet got broken then you can replace it with another thread but if the crystal of the bracelet got broken then it cannot be used anymore because is no longer impactful for the user.
(v) Should we put off the Rose Quartz bracelet at night?
Ans: You can put off your Rose Quartz Bracelet at night because if you continue to wear the bracelet at night, it might get stretched, broken, or stuck with the bed sheet or with clothes so it is better to put off the bracelet at night.
(vi) In which hand we should wear a Rose Quartz bracelet and why?
Ans: We should know that there are 80-85 % right-dominant-handed people in our surroundings. So generally left hand is considered as a “receiving hand” and the right hand is considered as a “giving hand”. You can wear a Rose Quartz bracelet in your hand to receive and spread love. But it is believed you should wear this Rose Quartz bracelet in your left hand to receive love and affection from your loving ones, friends, and others and you should wear this in your right hand to spread love and compassion to loving ones, friends, and others. The situation will be reversed for those whose dominant hand is left.
(vii) Can I wear a Rose Quartz bracelet during periods?
Ans: There are so many myths circulating around you related to your menstrual cycle so get out of those myths. If you wear a Rose Quartz bracelet during periods it might help in reducing menstrual pain and make you feel better.